UPVC and aluminum repairs

Due to the wonderful world of “double glazing,” almost all window and exterior door frames in the UK are built of UPVC. They come in different shapes and sizes, colors, and textures, from plain smooth white to a grained wooden look. These windows and frames are essential for keeping our homes warm and secure.
When the window frames are damaged, what happens? This could be uPVC break-in damage, uPVC burn marks, uPVC collision damage, or simply uPVC installation damage. We can assist you with any damage to your uPVC window and door frames.

bathtub repair

Aluminum windows and door frames can be damaged in the same way as uPVC windows and door frames can, and we can repair them in the same way.

Chip repairs to aluminum window frames, scratch repairs to aluminum door frames, re-spraying aluminum window and door frames, and repair to aluminum window sills are all services we offer.

bathtub repair