uPVC Front Door Resprayed Pink

The customer is always right as they say and this customer was no different 🙂 She is crazy about Flamingos and has the inside of her house decorated in Pink. Pink pillows, pink throws, Pink Flamingo wallpaper the lot.. A little bit crazy lol..

She called me and asked if we could respray her front door bright PINK.  A strange colour to paint your front door I thought but its actually becoming more popular.

She had a very specific pink in mind so I actually mixed the paint by hand on-site that day. Once I finally had a match she was happy about I got to work respraying her front door and surrounds the wonderful pink colour she wanted.

I must say I wanted to hate it but it came out fantastic.

What do you think? YES or NO 🙂

Most definitely a head-turner 🙂 This one job has created at least a dozen or so more jobs for us just by word of mouth. Like it or loath it, its eye-catching 🙂

If you are looking for a fresh new colour or simply want your uPVC or wooden doors/windows looking like new again then having us do a full professional respray in any colour you want will cost a fraction of what it would cost to have them replaced, with zero mess or hassle.

How Much Will It Cost For My Front Door To Be Resprayed?

This is a common question and each job is quoted differently depending on size, access, shape, side panel etc.. But most standard doors can be done for around £150. Windows start at around £100 per window.

If you would like a free quote then don’t hesitate to drop an email, text or give us a call.. Details below.

Contact Us.

Fine Finishers are based in Glasgow and serve the Central Scotland area and beyond.



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